TA-V 4 & 8: Faster platelet aggregation in your own lab
Stago has launched a compact platelet aggregation system for the faster exploration and evaluation of platelet function in a citrated platelet rich plasma.
Both the eight and four channel instruments, the TA-8V and TA-4V, bring specialist testing for potential platelet disorders closer to the patient.
This helps to speed the diagnostic pathway while saving laboratory time and costs.
The new instruments incorporate Light Transmission Aggregometry (LTA) to reduce optical interferences. This infra-red technology is considered the gold standard for testing platelet function, providing the clinician with diagnostically important information when evaluating the patient for potential platelet disorders [1].
Available in a box for 300 tests (Cat.No OSMMR300) or 2000 tests (Cat.No OSMMR2000). Our 2.000 test kit is available in two formats to suit the needs of big and small screening centers. Thus, there is a 20 vials X 100 test format (Cat.No OSMMR2000/100) and a 4 vials X 500 test format (Cat.No OSMMR2000/500). Each vial is stable for 5 days after reconstitution refrigerated. Therefore, our product range covers the needs of labs performing 20 – 2000 tests per day. It is a fully quantitative test, very easily automated. Results obtained in U/g Hb. Measured at 340nm in kinetic mode.
Available as a box containing 10 single test vials (Cat.No MMR010). Suitable for small or private labs. Can be worked on all automated analyzers or manually. No chemicals lost ! A very easy, two step protocol will give you results in less than 15 minutes. It can be also used with a microplate reader or a simple spectrophotometer. Measured at 340nm in kinetic mode.
Available as a diaphorase – color reagent kit, in a box of 100 (1 X 100 test vial; Cat.No OSMMR-D100) or 1000 tests (10X100 test vials ; Cat.No OSMMR-D1000). Each vial is stable for 5 days after reconstitution refrigerated. Measured at 550nm in kinetic mode.
The Tosoh Automated Glycohemoglobin Analyzer HLC-723G11 Variant Analysis Mode is the newest addition to Tosoh’s family of HPLC Analyzers. It has been specifically conceived to provide an answer to the ever increasing number of HbA1c requests and general need to optimize laboratory workflows.
The G11 is a fast, precise and very user friendly instrument with tons of useful features.
The G11 has a very fast start-up time and daily checks are done in seconds. The analyzing routine only requires one push of a button and is done within 60 seconds in variant mode (30 seconds in standard mode). Results are shown on the very straightforward high resolution chromatograms.
The G11 has automated stop and wash features and a customisable time to power off the unit. Furthermore, columns and filter changes are done in seconds. The HLC-723G11 is a high performance system that ensures smooth operation and trustworthy results.
In addition, the G11 has the flexibility to adapt to the changing needs of modern laboratories by offering the unique opportunity to upgrade from 90 sample loader to 290 sample loader and laboratory automation models.
Get test results in just minutes to make faster, better-informed decisions. There’s absolutely no warm up time and you can run 6 independent tests simultaneously, critical when you don’t have time to waste. Its modular design also allows you to add more systems for even more throughout.
The RAMP Reader re-defines “reliable” taking acute care diagnostic testing out of the lab and into the ER, patient’s bedside or wherever testing is needed. It’s lightweight and can perform up to 100 tests on a single charge. Self-calibrating so that you don’t waste time, just turn it on and you’re ready to test.
Lorne Labs supply quality blood grouping reagents including ABO reagents, Rhesus reagents, Kell reagents and Rare reagents such as Anti-M, Anti-N & Anti-S which are manufactured in full compliance with all UK and European regulatory requirements. Each reagent is supplied at optimal dilution for use with slide, tube, gel card & microplate blood grouping techniques. Our specialist blood grouping products also includes Inert AB Serum for use as a control and anti-human globulin for use in procedures including Coombs tests. View our product section below to see our full range of Blood Grouping Reagents.
Blood grouping reagents are solutions that are used to determine human blood group antigens (such as ABO, Rhesus, Kell, and MNS blood group antigens). The ABO and the RhD blood group systems are the most important blood groups in transfusions. Blood groups are characterised by either a carbohydrate molecule (such as the ABO blood group antigens) or a protein (such as most other antigens) on the surface of the human red cell. The ABO system consists of the A and B antigens and the RhD system has the D antigen. There are 4 ABO blood group types in total, which are O, A, B, and AB. The rhesus (RhD) reagents are used to detect the presence or absence of the D antigen on the surface of human red blood cells. Anti-A, Anti-B and, Anti-A, B reagents are used to determine the ABO blood group, whilst the different Anti-D reagents are used to determine the rhesus D phenotype. Anti-K and Anti-k (Cellano) reagents are used to detect antigens in the Kell blood group system.
Lorne Labs Blood Grouping Reagents are used to test for blood group A, blood group B, blood group AB and blood group O. We also offer other reagents such as Anti-C, Anti-c, Anti-E, Anti-e, and Anti-K which are used to detect antigens of the Rhesus and Kell blood group systems on red blood cells in humans.
Giving blood of a suitable blood group to a patient during a blood transfusion is vitally important. This requires making sure a donor’s blood is compatible with the receiving patient’s blood. If a patient were to receive a blood transfusion using blood that is incompatible with the patient’s blood (due to the wrong blood group), the consequences can be life-threatening as mixing blood of incompatible blood groups can cause intravenous agglutination of blood cells in the patient’s blood. Agglutination is caused when complete antibodies bind to their complementary antigens on red cells and form a lattice work of red cells which can cause a life threatening episode in the body.
Blood grouping reagents are the solutions that detect blood groups. In Europe, a blood donor’s blood is typed for at least 8 different blood groups, requiring 8 different blood grouping reagents, before the donation is released for transfusion into a patient. Several techniques can be used to detect blood groups dependant on the type of reagent and are based on the binding of an antibody to the appropriate antigen which is called agglutination. Common techniques include gel card techniques, blood typing slides, test tubes and microplate techniques.
It is vital that those undertaking blood grouping work use high quality sera to ensure an accurate result.
When using the reagents during testing, care has to be taken with handling blood samples, as there may be a risk of transmitting infection. The instructions for use provided by the manufacturer for using the reagents should be followed carefully and the reagents should only be used within their use by date. The reagents are designed for use at around room temperature and contamination with other substances needs to be avoided. For optimum use, and to keep these reagents in a good working condition, they should be stored in a fridge. This means they should be kept below room temperature, between 2 and 8 °C.
Lorne Labs are leading manufacturers and experts in blood grouping and transfusion, our high-quality blood grouping reagents are accurate, easy to use, and are manufactured in full compliance with all UK and European regulatory requirements to meet the needs of our distributors, blood banks hospital laboratories and transfusion centres.
The Stago Group’s Thrombinoscope, Tcoag and Stago teams united to share their skills and expertise to work on this joint project, the ST Genesia.
ST Genesia is an automated analyser, based on the same principles as the CAT system, which measures thrombin generation.
Designed to support clinical applications in the lab, the key difference between systems is that CAT’s main purpose is for research and development.
ST Genesia aims at standardising and automating the thrombin generation test in order to make it widely accessable and available for use in in-vitro diagnostics (IVD). ST Genesia is designed to add to the information usually provided by routine tests (TP, TCA, etc.) or specialised tests (Anti-Xa, ECA) and offer an improved assessment of thrombotic and haemorrhagic risks to improve patient care.
A range of reagents specifically developed for ST Genesia is available:
ST Genesia has been presented at ISTH, SSC, Club IIa, ST Genesia Expert Event, Symposium. The high attendance at Stago stands, numerous requests for demonstrations as well as the large number of attendees at Stago events are all indications of the keen interest of the scientific and medical community in this new system.
ST Genesia and STG-ThromboScreen are now CE marked and available to order. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with your Stago representative for more information.
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