MAST CRYOBANK® is a microbial cryopreservation system comprising chemically treated beads covered with a special cryogenic preservative solution within a cryovial. MAST CRYOBANK® permits the establishment of microbial culture collections for laboratory accreditation and research purposes, providing a cost-effective alternative to lyophilisation, repeated subculture or purchase of commercially available control organisms.
- Easy to store – packs designed to fit freezer racks.
- Easy to locate – organism reference grid printed on lid.
- Versatile – suitable for all labs dealing with bacteria
- Reliable – long term storage and preservation of fastidious organisms.
- Convenient – colour coded to assist with categorisation of micro-organisms.
- Cost-effective – economic 80 tube presentation. An 18 well Cryoblock is also available for maintenance of cryovials at low temperature during use, to ensure micro-organism viability.
- Barcoded – allows for full traceability.